Family Discovers Owl In Fully-Decorated Christmas Tree

A family in Kentucky had a surprise when a baby owl was discovered nestled in their Christmas tree - the bird had gone unnoticed for several days.

Carpet cleaner Bobby Hayes, working in a home, spotted a rustling in the Christmas tree, discovering a baby owl.  

The family was initially shocked, thinking it was a prank. Homeowner Michele White, unaware of the owl, had decorated the tree for hours.  

Without Mr. Hayes, the owl might have remained unnoticed in the living room.  

White, thinking it was a joke, was stunned and called Mr. Hayes.  

The owl was released back into the wild, and Ms. White's daughter shared the discovery on TikTok.  

Inspired, Ms. White plans to needlepoint an owl ornament for their Christmas tree. 

Plenty of people commented with similar stories of finding squirrels, possums and even bats in their Christmas trees.