3 Zodiac Signs Whose Ex Likely Wants Them Back On October 25, 2023

On Wednesday, the Moon opposite Venus has us trying too hard to get what we want in love, in life and romance.  

This is a very strong transit, and that's going to mean that on October 25, 2023, we're all going to see certain things take place — in love — that don't necessarily make sense. 

Of all the crazy things, this day is going to bring our ex-partners back into our lives. Oh, nothing to get worried about. It's not 'all the way there' yet 

Because we are under the influence of Moon opposite Venus, we may see some strange things happen on Wednesday. For you, personally, what you define as ultimately strange 

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On October 25, 2023, you will be stunned to find out that the one person you've taken so long to get over is now re-interested in you again. 

On October 25, 2023, you will be surprised to know that the person you have completely gotten out of your system wants back into your system. 

During Moon opposite Venus on October 25, 2023, you will acknowledge the fact that the heartbreak you experienced on behalf of this ex of yours was the stuff that made you into the warrior 

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