3 Zodiac Signs Finally Experience Self Love On October 26

On October 26, 2023, we find respect and self-love during the Aries Moon and it happens because we finally see past all the judgments and assumptions that we've put upon ourselves.  

Think about it. If we are truly the result of our experience, then part of that experience has to be geared towards goodness, so why then do we ever settle for less when it comes to how we perceive ourselves 

Self-respect has been a long journey for you, and to say that you are finally feeling it is a major coup on your part. 

On October 26, 2023, during the transit of the Aries Moon, you will feel strong and confident, a feeling you are not altogether accustomed to 

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Self-respect and self-love are something that you used to put on as an act. You have always liked the idea of controlling people and in order to do so 

There are moments in your life that bring about feelings of extreme dread and regret, and if you think too long about those moments 

You feel as though you've been living in the past and that the ghosts that lurk around every corner are so redundant  

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